On Wednesday, the 17th of January, Apple introduced its newest creation, the iPad. While the name is unfortunate (in my opinion), the iPad opens up some new avenues for individuals in the ministry. Here I will provide some ideas as to how your ministry can use the iPad to help enhance and streamline your ministry.
1. iPad runs all current iPhone apps (140,000!), so anything that you could have done with an iPhone (besides taking pictures or making phone calls) is possible in a larger size on the iPad. This means that Bento and other productivity apps will already work right out of the box.
2. With the new Touch-enabled versions of the iWork suite (Pages, Numbers and Keynote), you can have on-the-go access to all of your documents, spreadsheets and presentations. Also, with the available DVI output adapter, you can send video right from the iPad to a computer screen or even a projector, meaning that you no longer have to have your laptop available to present slideshows.
3. If your infrastructure is currently Windows-only, iPad gives you an inexpensive opening into the Apple world of computing. With functionality approaching that of Apple's notebook line, the iPad will enable you to access all of your media (videos, recorded audio, photo albums) on the go, in a user-friendly interface and fun touch experience typical of Apple products.
4. For missionaries, the iPad will provide a simple, easy-to-use photo album for display tables. With the natural touch interface, visitors to display tables will be able to breeze through all of your pictures with ease. Or, you can set up a slideshow with music to allow multiple people to see your photos at once.
5. The iPad is the Apple experience, distilled down to its base essence: convenience. More than just a big iPod Touch, the iPad gives you the most interactive browsing experience, seamless integration with your calendar, photos, videos, audio and documents, and the portability of a book-sized computing platform that weighs less than you'd expect. On short trips and errands (the 3G model is best-suited for this, obviously), grabbing the iPad will allow you to keep in contact with your ministry and stay abreast of what's going on.
Do you need an iPad? Probably not. Do you need a computer, a cell phone, or a laser printer? Probably not: you can do without them. But the point of having them is that they help make your job easier: they streamline your ministry and help make things more efficient. Will the iPad make you more efficient? That's for you to decide. Some people see technology as a bother or unnecessary complication: others see it as a tremendous blessing to help them through their daily work. Whatever your take on technology is, you owe it to yourself to investigate and see what the iPad can do for you.
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